Bioimpacts. 2014;4(4): 175-182.
doi: 10.15171/bi.2014.010
PMID: 25671173
PMCID: PMC4298708
Scopus ID: 84921000950
  Abstract View: 1872
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Original Research

Fabrication of triblock ABA type peptide dendrimer based on glutamic acid dimethyl ester and PEG as a potential nano drug delivery agent

Hassan Namazi 1,2*, Yousef Toomari 2, Hassan Abbaspour 2

1 Research Center for Pharmaceutical Nanonotechnology, Tabriz University of Medical Science, Tabriz, Iran
2 Laboratory of Dendrimers and Nanobiopolymers, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran
*Corresponding Author: Email: namazi@tabrizu.ac.ir


Introduction: Peptide dendrimers build up from amino acids and they simulate to artificial proteins with globular architecture. These characteristics furnish dendrimers with best biodegradability and biocompatibility in drug delivery systems.
Methods: A barbell-like dendrimer from glutamic acid dimethyl ester-poly (ethylene glycol)-glutamic acid dimethyl ester as ABA-type triblock copolymer PG-PEG-PG) was prepared with liquid-phase peptide synthesis via a divergent approach. PEG 600 diacid (PEG-A) and glutamic acid dimethyl ester were as the core and the monomeric building blocks, respectively. Linear-dendritic copolymer was prepared in the presence of DCC in pyridine. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) was used for measuring the size of first generation (G1-COOH) and second generation (G2-COOH) of dendrimer compounds. Thermal behavior of the synthesized dendrimers was investigated using DSC.
Results: The desired generations G1-COOH, G2-COOH and G3-COOH were prepared by divergent method using PEG diacid 600 as a core compound. The size range of the resulted particles was found to be 20-100 nm for various generations. The isolated dendrimer was examined as the drug-delivery agent and the controlled release was carried out for drug molecule in pH 7.4.
Conclusion: Based on the obtained results, the synthesized biocompatible dendrimers could potentially be utilized as a drug carrier agent.
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Submitted: 03 May 2014
ePublished: 23 Aug 2017
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