
Why BioImpacts for publication?

  • Free of charge publication
  • Open access journal
  • Fast and constructive peer review: The reviewers here in BI are experienced scientists from all over the world. In collaboration with the professional editors, they closely work with the manuscripts to provide the authors with relevant and valuable guides in their paper as fast as possible.
  • Easy and quick online submission of manuscripts
  • Rapid publication: The submitted manuscripts, after a fast review process and acceptance, will be published in 3 weeks electronically.
  • Author-friendly review: Upon guidelines for authors provided in BI, the authors will not be burdened with extra changes in the content, page numbers or so of their paper.
  • Worldwide visibility of papers: Papers accepted, will be published electronically in 3 weeks after their acceptance. They are visible in BI as HTML and downloadable free in PDF format. The papers could be searched in Google, too.
  • BioImpacts annual award: We are pleased to award the "BioImpacts Annual Award" to the corresponding author of the selected published paper in BI, showing the most interesting biological impacts with the highest citations one year after the publication.

As a peer-reviewed international open-access journal, BioImpacts publishes articles on basic and translational aspects of pharmaceutical and biomedical sciences. 
Acceptance rate: 24% 
Publication fee: Free of charge