Bioimpacts. 2013;3(1): 5-9.
doi: 10.5681/bi.2013.008
PMID: 23678464
PMCID: PMC3648911
Scopus ID: 84876693184
  Abstract View: 1745
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The Role of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor in Diabetes-Induced Cardiac Dysfunction

Saghir Akhtar*, Ibrahim Fadil Benter
*Corresponding Author: Email: Saghir@hsc.edu.kw


The incidence of diabetes mellitus is increasing rapidly and set to reach near epidemic proportions with the latest estimates suggesting that by 2030 there will be over 550 million people with this debilitating disease. Cardiovascular complications and dysfunctions are three- to eight-folds more likely in diabetic patients and are major causes of increased mortality. The exact underlying mechanisms for the development of complications of the diabetic heart are poorly understood and may involve multiple signaling pathways that are affected by hyperglycemia. This focused article reviews the recent evidence for a possible dual role of epidermal growth factor receptor signaling in diabetes-induced cardiac dysfunction.
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Submitted: 18 Jan 2013
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