Bioimpacts. 2013;3(3): 119-122.
doi: 10.5681/bi.2013.024
PMID: 24163803
PMCID: PMC3786793
Scopus ID: 84887326117
  Abstract View: 1501
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Original Research

Correlation between Cholinesterase and Paraoxonase 1 Activities:Case Series of Pesticide Poisoning Subjects

S Austin Richard*, Elizabeth A Frank, Cletus J M D'Souza
*Corresponding Author: Email: lifescience.austin@gmail.com


Introduction: Acute exposure to pesticide due to suicidal poisoning is the most extensive cause of pesticide exposure, compared with all other causes including agricultural or industrial exposure. Organophosphate (OP) and carbamate group of pesticides can inhibit acetylcholinesterase; on the other hand, paraoxonase1 can detoxify organophosphate poisoning by hydrolyzing organophosphate metabolites. Methods: We have compared the serum paraoxonase1 status and cholinesterase activity of subjects who attempted to commit suicide by consuming OP pesticide. Cholinesterase and paraoxonase1 activity were measured spectrophotometrically using butyrylthiocholine and phenyl acetate as substrates, respectively. Results: A positive correlation was found between serum paraoxonase1 activity and cholinesterase activity among pesticide consumed subjects. Conclusion: Our results suggest that subjects with higher paraoxonase1 activity may have a better chance of detoxifying the lethal effect of acute organophosphate poisoning.
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Submitted: 12 May 2013
Revision: 08 Jul 2013
ePublished: 25 Aug 2013
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