Bioimpacts. 2012;2(4): 173-174.
doi: 10.5681/bi.2012.029
PMID: 23678457
PMCID: PMC3648940
Scopus ID: 84876813203
  Abstract View: 2743
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Pharmaceutical Nanoparticles and the Mucin Biopolymer Barrier

Ghaith Aljayyoussi, Muthanna Abdulkarim, Peter Griffiths, Mark Gumbleton*
*Corresponding Author: Email: gumbleton@cardiff.ac.uk


Mucus in the gastrointestinal tract remains a tenacious barrier that restricts the passage of many orally administered compounds into the GIT’s epithelial layer and consequently into the systemic circulation. This results in significant decreases in the oral bioavailability of many therapeutic molecules. Nanoparticles offer an avenue to surpass this mucus barrier. They can be used as drug carriers to improve the bioavailability of many compounds that are restricted by mucus. Nanoparticles achieve penetration of the mucus barrier through a multitude of properties that they possess as their size, charge density, and surface functional groups which can all be tailored to achieve optimal penetration of the thick and fibrous mucus barrier. This article offers a quick review about the use of nanoparticles as drug carriers to increase mucus penetration in the gastro intestinal tract.
Keywords: Nanoparticles, Mucus, Mucin
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Submitted: 08 Nov 2012
Revision: 20 Nov 2012
ePublished: 22 Nov 2012
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