Bioimpacts. 2018;8(2): 91-98.
doi: 10.15171/bi.2018.11
PMID: 29977830
PMCID: PMC6026526
Scopus ID: 85048106165
  Abstract View: 3434
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Original Research

Design, fabrication, and implantation of tube-shaped devices for the treatment of salivary duct diseases

Diego Velasquez 1,2, Laurent Chaunier 1, Sofiane Guessasma 1, Frédéric Faure 3, Alain Bizeau 4, Graciela Pavon-Djavid 5, Anne Meddahi-Pellé 5, Denis Lourdin 1*

1 INRA, UR1268 Biopolymères Interactions Assemblages, Rue de la Géraudière, Nantes, 44316, France
2 Ingennova Research Group, CES University. Calle 10A # 22 – 04. Medellín, Colombia
3 Service ORL et CCF, Hôpital Edourad Herriot, CHU de Lyon, 69437 Lyon, France
4 Hôpital Sainte Musse, Service d’ORL et de Chirurgie Cervico-Faciale, Toulon, France
5 INSERM, U1148 LVTS, Université Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cité 99 Ave Jean-Baptiste Clément, 93 430 Villetaneuse, France
*Corresponding Author: Email: denis.lourdin@inra.fr


Introduction: Starch-based materials were designed using a special extrusion die in order to obtain a tube-shaped device for application to salivary duct treatment in the field of endoscopy, i.e., sialendoscopy.
Methods: Extrusion process was used to produce starch tubes. Mechanical properties of the dry tube before implantation were determined using an axial compression test. A finite element study was carried out to simulate the behavior of the hydrated tube under external axial pressure. Hydrolysis of these devices in a simulated salivary solution was studied, as well as its glycerol kinetics release. An animal short-term implantation model for salivary ducts was proposed as a feasibility study for starch tube-shaped devices.
Results: A continuous production of regular and size-controlled tubes was obtained. The very small diameter obtained, less than 2 mm, corresponds to the requirement of being insertable in a human salivary duct using sialendoscopy guidewire. Finite element analysis showed that the starch tube can still support an external pressure higher than 0.2 MPa without irreversible damage. After 4 days of implantation, the host response is encouraging and the inflammatory response for this type of procedure remains normal.
Conclusion: These devices were adapted to sialendoscopic guidewires and able to be implanted in the salivary ducts of pigs. If a longer lasting tube is required, the crystallinity of the starch material should be improved.
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Submitted: 12 Sep 2017
Revision: 07 Dec 2017
Accepted: 15 Dec 2017
ePublished: 15 Dec 2017
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