Jaleh Barar
1 , Yadollah Omidi
1* 1 Ovarian Cancer Research Center, Translational Research Center, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Introduction: Of
the cancer gene therapy approaches, gene silencing, suicide/apoptosis
inducing gene therapy, immunogene therapy and targeted gene therapy are
deemed to substantially control the biological consequences of genomic
changes in cancerous cells. Thus, a large number of clinical trials have
been conducted against various malignancies. In this review, we will
discuss recent translational progresses of gene and cell therapy of
cancer. Methods: Essential information on gene therapy of cancer were reviewed and discussed towards their clinical translations. Results: Gene
transfer has been rigorously studied in vitro and in vivo, in which
some of these gene therapy endeavours have been carried on towards
translational investigations and clinical applications. About 65% of
gene therapy trials are related to cancer therapy. Some of these trials
have been combined with cell therapy to produce personalized medicines
such as Sipuleucel-T (Provenge®, marketed by Dendreon, USA) for the treatment of asymptomatic/minimally symptomatic metastatic hormone-refractory prostate cancer. Conclusion: Translational
approach links two diverse boundaries of basic and clinical researches.
For successful translation of genomedicines into clinical
applications, it is essential 1) to have the guidelines and standard
operating procedures for development and application of the
genomedicines specific to clinically relevant biomarker(s); 2) to
conduct necessary animal experimental studies to show the “proof of
concept” for the proposed genomedicines; 3) to perform an initial
clinical investigation; and 4) to initiate extensive clinical trials to
address all necessary requirements. In short, translational researches
need to be refined to accelerate the genomedicine development and
clinical applications.