Yadollah Omidi
1* , Hossein Omidian
11 Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
Introduction: To be fully functional, pharmaceutical, and biomedical research centers need to be transformed to become innovative research and development (R & D) hubs. Such transformation, however, is a dynamic complex matter.
Methods: To establish an innovative R & D hub, a simple and concise manifesto is conceptualized for the nonlinear dynamic transformation towards an innovative research hub to reinforce the transition of the 2nd generation R & D centers.
Results: Interdisciplinary research is the most demanded field of research to overcome various multi-sided health issues. To become an innovative R & D hub, pharmaceutical centers must function as a small-scale physical infrastructure to support the inter-communication of scientists and provide specific technological needs to promote the related innovation and entrepreneurship with advanced business plans and prototypes. Given that a success paradigm within an unorderly surrounding setting has already been condemned to fail, the orderly integration of nested systems and groups should be carefully implemented towards a shared vision with formal and tacit agreements among all parties, including academia, industry, and finance team.
Conclusion: To achieve a fully functional innovative R & D hub, a “know-how” approach with the systems thinking mindset within all the parties is of paramount necessity. The healthier the order of the whole working system is, the more effective will be the encompassed entitles and players. However, systems should have several checkpoints to enhance clarity and evade discrepancy and divergence. Since the medication is a highly trusted and needed public enterprise, the drug discovery and development paradigm should be practiced at the highest speed with maximum transparency and accountability.