Original Article
Arezoo Gohari Mahmoudabad ORCID, Fatemeh Gheybi, Mohsen Mehrabi* ORCID, Alireza Masoudi, Zeinab Mobasher, Hamid Vahedi, Anneh Mohammad Gharravi, Fatemeh Sadat Bitaraf, Seyed Mahdi Rezayat Sorkhabadi
Bioimpacts. 2023;13(4): 301-311. doi: 10.34172/bi.2023.24128
PMCID: PMC10460772     PMID: 37645028     Scopus ID: 85168161377    
Phytosome silymarin nanoparticles effectively improved ethanol-induced liver damage in models of rats with alcoholic liver disease (ALD) and showed higher beneficial effects and less toxicity compared to the bulky form of phytosome silymarin nanoparticles.

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