Khalil EL Khatabi  , Ilham Aanouz, Marwa Alaqarbeh, Mohammed Aziz Ajana, Tahar Lakhlifi, Mohammed Bouachrine*
Molecular docking was performed to explore the binding affinity of the 12 selected molecules in the target enzyme and then evaluated for in silico ADMET properties. The best hits were subjected to molecular dynamics simulation.
Jaleh Barar*
The vast knowledge about the pathways that regulate the virus entry and molecular signaling of the pathogenesis of coronavirus are the key factor for the development of de novo nanoscaled diagnostic/therapeutic strategies.
Mohammad Hossein Ahmadi*
A schematic representation of the application of viral interference phenomenon in prophylaxis of COVID-19. The viral interference is a competition phenomenon by which a primary virus infecting a cell prohibits the infection of the same cell by another (secondary) virus.
Original Research
Khalil Ansarin  , Ramin Tolouian, Mohammadreza Ardalan*  , Ali Taghizadieh, Mojtaba Varshochi, Soheil Teimouri, Tahere Vaezi, Hamed Valizadeh, Parviz Saleh, Saeid Safiri  , Kenneth R. Chapman
Based on a randomized clinical trial, bromhexine is proposed as a potential therapeutic option in COVID-19. A total of 78 patients with similar demographic and disease characteristics were treated with results showing a significant reduction in ICU admissions.
Sajad Khiali  , Afra Rezagholizadeh  , Taher Entezari-Maleki*
In the present perspective piece, three possible mechanisms of the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) as an oncogenic virus in the lung have been discussed.
Yang Han  , Zhilong Jia*  , Jinlong Shi, Weidong Wang*, Kunlun He*
The enrichment of several other pathogens, immunomodulatory probiotics (lactic acid or butyrate producers), and TMV in the COVID-19 group suggests a complex and active lung microbiota disorder.
Original Research
Mohammad Mostafa Pourseif  , Sepideh Parvizpour, Behzad Jafari, Jaber Dehghani  , Behrouz Naghili, Yadollah Omidi*
Immunodominant T-cell epitopes of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein with the highest population coverage were predicted by analyzing peptide binders and consensus rank (CR) score. Multi-method B-cell epitope prediction approach was used to find B-cell immunodominant regions of spike protein. Upon the high immune-potent regions of the antigen(s), self-amplifying mRNA and peptide-based vaccines were designed.
Ysrafil Ysrafil*  , Zulfiayu Sapiun  , Indwiani Astuti  , Mohammad Anas Anasiru, Nangsih Sulastri Slamet  , Hartati Hartati  , Fadli Husain, Sukmawati Ahmad Damiti
The two designed and constructed multiepitope vaccine have good characteristics and may have the potential to activate humoral and cellular immune responses against SARS-CoV-2. Further research is worth considering to confirm the findings of this study.
Maryam Sayahinouri  , Sahar Mashayekhi Firouz  , Amin Ebrahimi Sadrabadi  , Mina Masoudnia  , Mahnaz Abdolahi  , Fatemeh Jafarzadeh  , Meshkat Nouripour  , Sana Mirzazadeh  , Nazanin Zangeneh  , Arsalan Jalili*  , Nasser Aghdami
In COVID-19 infection, the various functions of immune cells lead to defense or failure against the virus. Cell therapy is of great importance as a new treatment for COVID-19 infection. Therefore, in this review, we have dealt with the function of immune cells against the SARS-Cov-2 virus and new treatment methods for this disease with the help of different cell types
Jurica Novak*  , Alena R. Zykova  , Vladimir A. Potemkin  , Vladimir V. Sharutin, Olga K. Sharutina
Ysrafil Ysrafil  , Arlan K. Imran, Prisca Syafriani Wicita, Vyani Kamba, Fihrina Mohamad, Ismail Ismail, Ayyub Harly Nurung, Noviyanty Indjar Gama, Sari Eka Pratiwi, Indwiani Astuti  , Firzan Nainu, Talha Bin Emran
Sahar Farajnia  , Nazli Khajenasiri, Safar Farajnia*  , Farzin Seyrafi, Nasim Bakhtiyari
Farnaz Naeimzadeh  , Armin Sadeghi  , Seiedhadi Saghaleini  , Parvin Sarbakhsh  , Ata Mahmoodpoor  , Afshin Gharekhani*